
Building a high-performing team and achieving more while reducing your work hours.

The tools inside this training have helped my clients gain hours back in their day and cut months off their projects.

Best of all, this course will help you achieve more while reducing work overload and fatigue for you and your team.

The 30 Day Team Reset works for leaders of professional teams - whether your team is remote, in-house or hybrid.

Can you imagine how much easier your work life would be?

Do any of these sound familiar to you?

  • I want to cut down on long workdays and stress, but I don’t want to dumb down my career to do it.

  • I want to be able to trust my team are on top of their work, so I can stop worrying about what issues will crop up last minute.

  • I want to feel successful and on top of my work, but I feel exhausted and like I can’t keep up, let alone get ahead.

  • Keeping the team focused and on track feels like hard work - so does holding them accountable when things slip.

  • My workload felt heavy before the pandemic - now it feels almost unmanageable.

  • I sometimes think about changing jobs because I’m tired of the pressure - but then I feel annoyed because I’ve worked hard to get here - why should I give up now?

  • I used to feel enthusiastic and confident about my job, but now I feel hollow, I’m losing time with the people I love and I don’t have the head space to think about my health.

  • I want the team to be happy and enjoy their work, but I need them to take ownership and get things done - not make me the bad guy for having to chase them.

I’ve designed this with you in mind.

The basics.

The detail is below, but you can find the topline info right here.

  • This is an online program to help you set, track and manage behaviour and performance. Easily, and with your team’s buy-in.

    It’s structured as self paced study but you have digital access to Teresa for the first 30 days and lifetime access to the course.

  • How to set clear strategically aligned goals that enable team focus and cohesion;

    How to plan and pace workloads to avoid consistently high pressure and instead manage your time and energy like a pro;

    How to enable self leadership, accountability and feedback - in a way people will actually thank you for;

    Plus, guides on conflict, prioritisation, managing pressure, coaching & facilitation guide and more…

  • The materials are designed to be quick to access, digest and use. There are three workshops (of less than 30 mins each) and six bonus guides to help you focus your thinking. You’ll study at your own pace but in hours, not weeks. You’ll pay less than a team building event (USD$247) and I’ll be online for Q&A for 30 days while you put it into practice.

When a problem feels complex & inescapable, the last thing you want is more noise.

That’s why I’ve simplified the practice of high-performing teams for you & designed it so it will build psychological safety and trust with your team as you work together.

What you get is the benefit of precision - from a prior corporate leader who’s been helping leaders develop high-performing, psychologically safe teams internationally for over a decade.


Welcome to the
30 Day Team Reset

An online program for time pressured, professional leaders who want great results - for and from their team - especially when it comes to...

  • Finding & closing gaps in performance without pointing fingers...

  • ​Getting the team focused on the top priorities - commercially and culturally...

  • ​Creating clear expectations and achieving wins without increasing team fatigue..

  • ​Knowing the team are aligned & delivering without having to micro manage them...

  • Having a reliable, repeatable system to set & manage performance that gets buy in & traction from the team...

  • ​Getting more done but spending less time and energy doing it...

 What’s included…

3 Workshops, 3 Companion Guides & 3 Additional Bonus Guides

Workshop One: Precision

Learn how to…

  • Create clear & concise team priorities that align & motivate the team

  • Link goals to strategic outcomes (this is a massive success booster!)

  • ​Roadmap the next 90 days to give yourself space to work (& think...)

The Alignment Maps Companion Guide helps you:

  • Create clarity & transparency about roles, targets, resources & potential roadblocks.

  • ​Create individual maps that make taking action & resolving issues easier (for everyone).

  • ​Agree the goals for both performance (what they do) & culture (how they work together to do it).

Workshop Two: Pace

Learn how to:

  • Master time management to do meaningful - not 'busy' - work

  • ​Replace consistently high workloads with the right pace at the right time

  • Keep burnout at bay by learning how to manage your energy (it's a game changer)

The Performance Barriers Companion Guide helps you:

  • Have clear, concise, blame-free conversations.

  • ​Find the issue & fix it - with dignity & relationships intact.

  • Navigate problems with transparency - foster a developmental mindset that builds trust.

Workshop Three: Accountability

Learn how to:

  • Create conditions for accountability (that the team will appreciate)

  • ​Build feedback loops into the business, so improvement is something you DO rather than chase

  • Use feedback as a mechanism to build trust (it's one of the fastest ways!)

The Facilitation As A Leader Companion Guide helps you:

  • Moderate, challenge & extract the best contributions from your team.

  • Develop agency, ownership, resourcefulness & trust within your team.

  • Give yourself the space to step back, observe, guide & develop the team rather than control & manage.

The Bonus Guides:

A few extra tools you’ll find valuable.

  • Harnessing Conflict: Mining for Gold

    Learn how to…

    • Use conflict to improve your team's understanding of risks & opportunities

    • Harness conflict as a way of promoting diversity, inclusion and the value of difference

    • Convert the emotional tension in conflict to creative tension (& seriously reduce stress while increasing psychological safety)

  • Reprioritising Techniques: Triage Don't Juggle

    Develop skills that will help you to:

    • Adapt your well laid plans when new priorities surface (to be expected!)

    • Keep the most important priorities top of your agenda without stressing about bumping others down the list

    • Stay ahead of the curve, even though curves keep showing up (it happens, so we want to show you how to be ready for - & equal to - the challenge)

  • Composure Under Fire: Navigating Pressure

    Master the ability to:

    • Remain composed when you're (very) tempted to react

    • ​Stay focused rather than falling back into habits that quieten you down, or stop you in your tracks

    • Respond to pressure with resilience and consideration, so you don't lose your hard won progress

The 30 Day Team Reset does two things...

Ready to leave the hassle behind?

Simplifies performance.

Whether your team in virtual, hybrid or on site.

You may have pivoted to working from home, taking the struggles that followed on the chin. If you’re lucky, you had some guidance about how to lead teams remotely. But now that work has changed permanently, how hard is it to find simple, practical guidance that allows you to not just harness and drive performance, but to nurture and build a culture of trust and collaboration too?

Builds trust & collaboration.

Weaving it into how you how you work - practically.

You can’t talk about healthy, high performing workplaces without covering off psychological safety and trust. The craziness and fatigue experienced throughout the pandemic has exposed the pressure people are under when psychological safety is absent. I’d love to show you how simply you can start to rebuild that, in practical, repeatable ways that feel completely human.

Why you should work with me…

Teresa Mitrovic
Managing Director & Founder, Oro Collective

30 Day Team Reset Course Creator
Author of The Currency of Connection: How trust transforms life, relationships and work

  • I don't just teach this stuff; I actually do it. I worked in corporate leadership roles for 18 years at Hasbro, The Walt Disney Company and Universal Pictures. I know what it feels like to lead teams, manage profit and loss, and front up to stakeholders about performance. I do this work, because the first time I applied thinking like this, we reduced our work hours, improved work quality and 3x our profit. 

  • I've helped hundreds of leaders to close gaps in performance & culture. Since 2011 I've helped leaders internationally, from commercial and govt backgrounds, to lift team performance, create alignment among disparate groups with competing agendas - and actually have fun doing it. You can see some of the more recognisable companies I've worked with below...

  • I know what takes teams from 'good' to 'great'. It's vulnerability based trust, also referred to as  psychological safety - and it's a critical condition for optimal performance. If your workplace requires people to create, strategise, solve, connect with others, deliver through people - then being attuned to the balance of psychological stress and psychological safety is essential.

  • I keep it genuine, focused and honest. Time is valuable so I want to share what I know works. Quickly. I’ve designed each of these courses and programmes to help you to construct strong performance outcomes while creating psychological safety and trust in your team. Because when you try to separate those elements, work becomes unnecessarily hard. It's the difference between swimming against the current rather than with it.

Some of our most memorable clients…

Are you ready to put this to work for your and your team?

Questions and Answers

  • We thought of this too which is why you're also going to get exclusive access to our private "leaders lab" community. It’s a great way to connect with other leaders, to share ideas, feedback and successes.

    I’ll be there too - to provide nudges, answer your questions, help you move beyond unexpected barriers, provide feedback and celebrate your successes with you.

  • The materials in the program are designed as 'mental models'. Ways of organising thoughts that you can lay over (or into) your work. As long as you're leading a team of professionals, this can be overlaid into how you work now, like a refinement.

    As you work through the course, you'll also have the ability to ask me any questions you have inside the closed community, so that you get maximum value from your investment.

  • You will receive an email immediately upon purchase, giving you a link to access your members area. Everything will be waiting for you there.

  • We know how hard it can be to commit to something new when you're already crazy busy. We're the same. So this course has been designed and structured so that the time you invest is returned to you - not just quickly, but many times over.

  • If you don’t feel you’ve learned anything new within the first 7 days, you can request a complete refund. No questions asked. 

  • No problem, just get them up to speed in the first week of their onboarding. They'll be grateful for the clarity around future expectations.

  • This process works specifically for teams who are measured on their performance to shared outcomes. It's been tested with teams in office environments (commercial and government based). If you'd like to try it but you're unsure about whether it could work for you, drop us a note at

  • Workshops are 30 minutes long - punchy and include templates so you can capture the key points to work the programme. There's no rush, you can work through it in your own time. If you want fast results - and you follow the programme - you can reset your teams performance in 30 days.

Your Guarantee


If you feel like you haven’t learned anything new in this training, email me within 7 days of purchase and I’ll give you a full refund.

No questions asked.

After applying what you learn in this course, you’ll find…

  • Leading the team is fun and rewarding - no more sprints to the deadline…

  • You feel more fulfilled at work - delivering more impact with ease - no more endless stress…

  • You have more space to think about the future - rather than daily fire fighting…

  • You can rely on the team to stay focused and on track - even if you’re not there…

  • You are more relaxed and present for friends and family…

  • You have the time and energy to prioritise yourself - rather than relying on weekends and holidays to ‘catch up’.

PS. All of this could be true for your team, too.