Free tools to help you understand, improve and lead for performance with psychological safety.

Just for you…

How can leaders instil trust and safety in the team during complex and uncertain times, without sacrificing the pursuit of performance?

Although psychological safety
is evident as a group or team dynamic,
it starts with us as individuals. It determines how individuals, leaders, and teams engage throughout an organization.

This visual map shows how and why its effects are felt at the levels of culture, innovation, competitive advantage, and profit. The article explains the roles and interconnection of each element.

Psychologically Safe Performance

We all rely on information or support from others to do our work, which means the quality of our relationships impacts the effectiveness of our work.

The Currency of Connection is a book about psychological safety, trust and performance. This free chapter focuses on:

  1. Is the absence of trust a liability?

  2. How trust improves agility in a fast changing world;

  3. How trust provides a leadership advantage; and

  4. Leadership blindspots that most leaders get trapped by.

Free Leadership Chapter

The saying ‘you can’t pour from an empty cup’ is true for psychological safety and trust too.

You can’t cultivate psychological safety and trust when you’re on the edge of burnout - so learn to read the signs and pull back to create new habits.

This free 5 day email series shares a host of tools for resetting your routine so you can regain a healthy rhythm before you find yourself tipping over in to burnout.

Burnout Circuit Breaker

For you to use with your team…

If you’re confident and comfortable running a group conversation that will allow people to speak openly and honestly, then you may only need some guidance about which questions to ask and what to look out for.

Below is a list of facilitation questions and tips to help you garner participation and focused conversation.

Take note though; while there is huge value in having these conversations, there’s also a lot riding on the follow up. Make sure everyone leaves being clear about next steps.

Team Conversation Guide

This three step process will help you…

  1. Get rid of extraneous work by helping you find, focus and work towards the high value end goals;

  2. Create clear roadmaps of both expectations and potential issues so the team stop second guessing and stressing about uncertainty and hold momentum instead; and

  3. Create feedback loops to decompress tension, encourage realistic optimism and turn problems into learning opportunities. No pointing fingers, shaming, or blaming.

Refocusing a Fatigued Team

 Hi, I’m Teresa…

I’m a leadership consultant and coach, who specialises in performance, psychological safety and trust.

Before that, I was a corporate leader, working in businesses like Hasbro, The Walt Disney Company and Universal Pictures, leading a team, negotiating deals and travelling extensively overseas. It was that career that led me to this one.

As a senior leader and a solo parent, leadership coaching helped me rethink my role as a leader. It challenged everything I thought I knew and helped me create a leadership cadence that set myself and the team up for success across the board. We shaved hours off our work days, got more done (to even higher standards) and we were achieving better results. Our profit tripled, but by that point it was the icing on the cake. I’d thought we had a high performing team, but it had taken an unrelentingly heavy workload and long hours to bring me to the point where I was open to the possibility that it wasn’t true and that we needed change.

That’s the reason I changed careers. I realised how easy it is for us to be caught up in habitual ways of working long after they’ve stopped working. There’s an easier, smarter and simpler way to work. So that’s what I teach. How to build and lead a high performing team - before you feel like you’re reaching your limits.

You can follow my work on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.