Wondering why your team isn’t performing?

The Team Performance Tracker

Identify the barriers to your team’s performance in 10 minutes or less and discover what will turn your team’s performance around.

You can’t close the gaps, you can’t see.

Have you ever quietly wondered about these?

  • My team aren’t delivering as well as they need to, how do I find out what’s impacting performance?

  • I’m too busy to spend time figuring out what’s not working - how can I figure it out fast?

  • My team aren’t as effective as they could be, but how do I fix it without micro-managing?

  • How do I start a conversation about the team working better together when everyone is exhausted?

  • My team can work well together - but how do you get them to do that consistently?

Yes? Great. The Team Performance Tracker can help.

The Team Performance Tracker

Discover what’s holding your team back - and what to do about it - in 10 minutes.


What to expect…

This tool gives you a personalised report outlining your team’s dynamic around the different elements of a high trust and high performing team.

Use it to reflect on the performance health of your team, or invite your team to complete the assessment so you can create a conversation about the similarities and differences in experience.

The Team Performance Tracker comes with video training showing you how to have team conversations about the results you uncover.

Whatever they are.

Commitment & Traction Circular Diagram

Online Assessment

Discover what’s preventing your team from working effectively and the first steps you can take toward building psychological safety, trust and performance.

Personalised Report

Understand the Five Pillars of Performance, the current health of your team and what’s possible with small steps.

Video Training

A walkthrough of the tool and how to use the tracker with the team to have difficult conversations confidently about the status quo and change.

Let’s be frank.

You don’t have time to dig through what isn’t working on your way to figuring out ‘the fix’.

What you need is to quickly find the gaps - and then work together to close them.
That’s what The Team Performance Tracker is designed to help you do.

The Team Performance Tracker

The tool that pinpoints your teams’ performance while…

  • Prioritising where you can start to break down the barriers…

  • Showing you how to use the tracker with the team to uncover where there is alignment - or misalignment - between individual views…

  • Guiding you on how to talk through the results with the team to create a plan that everyone owns and acts on.

Why you should work with me...

Teresa and Walter the Schnack Sitting In a Chair

Teresa Mitrovic
Managing Director & Founder, Oro Collective
Author of The Currency of Connection: How trust transforms life, relationships and work

  • I don't just teach this stuff; I do it. I worked in corporate leadership roles for 18 years at Hasbro, The Walt Disney Company and Universal Pictures. I know what it feels like to lead teams, manage profit and loss, and front up to stakeholders about performance. I do this work, because the first time I applied thinking like this, we reduced our work hours, improved work quality and 3x our profit. 

  • I've helped hundreds of leaders to close gaps in performance & culture. Since 2011 I've helped leaders internationally, from commercial and govt backgrounds, to lift team performance, create alignment among disparate groups with competing agendas - and actually have fun doing it. You can see some of the more recognisable companies I've worked with below...

  • I know what takes teams from 'good' to 'great'. It's vulnerability based trust, also referred to as  psychological safety - and it's a critical condition for optimal performance. If your workplace requires people to create, strategise, solve, connect with others, deliver through people - then being attuned to the balance of psychological stress and psychological safety is essential.

  • I keep it genuine, focused and honest. Time is valuable so I want to share what I know works. Quickly. I’ve designed each of these courses and programmes to help you to construct strong performance outcomes while creating psychological safety and trust in your team. Because when you try to separate those elements, work becomes unnecessarily hard. It's the difference between swimming against the current rather than with it.

Some of our most memorable clients…

Collection of Logos of Companies We Have Worked With

 Questions and Answers

  • You can join us over at The Psych Safety Project - it’s like Facebook groups, but without the algorithms and advertising. I’ll be there to answer your questions, help you move beyond unexpected barriers, provide feedback and celebrate your successes with you.

  • You will receive an email immediately upon purchase, giving you a link to access your members area. Everything will be waiting for you there.

  • The tracker is a 'mental model’. A way of organising thoughts that you can lay over (or into) your work. As long as you're leading a team of professionals, this can be overlaid into how you work now, like a refinement.

    As you work through the tracker, you'll also have the ability to ask me any questions inside The Psych Safety Project if you join us there.

  • We know how hard it can be to commit to something new when you're already crazy busy. We're the same. So this tracker has been designed and structured to minimise your time investment and maximise your return on that investment.

  • This tracker works specifically for teams who are measured on their performance to shared outcomes. It's been tested with teams in office environments (commercial and government based). If you'd like to try it but you're unsure about whether it could work for you, drop us a note at team@orocollective.space

  • If you don’t feel you’ve learned anything new within the first 7 days of buying it, you can request a complete refund. No questions asked.

Are you ready to find and close the gaps in your teams performance?

The Team Performance Tracker

Discover what’s holding your team back - and what to do about it - in 10 minutes.



If you feel like you haven’t learned anything new in this tracker, just email us within 7 days of purchase and we’ll give you a full refund.

No questions asked.

After using the tracker, you’ll find...

  • Recognising slips in performance, and acknowledging them with the team becomes easier over time…

  • Gaps within the team become a shared issue that can be discussed and solved together - no more having to have all the answers all the time…

  • You’re able to track results over time to get a better understanding of what supports your teams performance and what derails it…

  • You’ll begin seeing the tracker as a health check for team performance that enable the team to have hard conversations more easily.